The One S01e04

He swiftly rushed to his freezer.
At this point,she dint care if it was all over.
For her,she had felt a piece of heaven.
Bit her lip a couple of times.
He slowly took her hand and put something in her hands.
Then he grabbed her neck with a man like grip.
And then whispered for her to eat.
He grabbed back what he gave her.
At this point she didn’t other open her eyes.
She was far, far away.
He slowly floated it around her nose.
Yes, it was a strawberry.
She quickly imagined him tasting like strawberries.
His tongue all like strawberries.
He handed it back to her.
As she was about to chew on it.
He was back at it.
At this point, her legs were numb and he was swift.
With the tip of his tongue, she felt him move so fast.
First sideways, then up and down repeatedly.
Within seconds, he was slippery.
His mouth was watering.
Then he stopped to suck on the top.
He pulled and licked and pulled again.
His tongue had rolled up in his mouth.
She tried pushing him away.
He resisted and later obliged.
It suddenly dawned on her that he was in control.
So went back to the base.
And the sudden sight of her skin turned him on.
He tapped her thigh and saw her skin jiggle.
He couldn’t believe his eyes.
He then held on to her hands.
And felt the fruit in her hands.
She realized it was there and she made some motion.
As soon as she did that, his tongue floated over her skin.
And she abruptly stopped.
He licked again and she squeezed the juice out of the fruit.
She cringed again and again.
He was unaware of what had occurred.
His tongue was slick.
It knew where to be.
She forgot about the fruit in her hand and touched his manly back.
He felt the juice in the path where her hands had been until it dried.
By now she was felt she was losing control of everything.
Even life itself.
Her well being was now up to him.
And his tongue.
She still tried screaming.
Then she heard her voice choke through the dark room into a whisper.
At some point,it became an echo.
And then there was silence again……

1 thought on “The One S01e04

  1. This is a very good piece of decriptive poetry. Has the immagination filling with emotions of love…

    Liked by 1 person

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